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Our team consists of specialists with extensive experience in IELTS preparation
  • Tetiana Havryliuk

    • Teacher of English language and literature with 16 years of experience
    • IELTS instructor with 10 years of experience
    • Content writer for IELTS Speaking Assistant
    • Content creator for IELTS Preparation Assistant
    • Most viewed writer on Quora in 2017
    • IELTS Academic 8.5

  • Yana Podolynska

    • Teacher of English language and literature with 19 years of experience
    • IELTS instructor with 10 years of experience
    • Content writer for IELTS Speaking Assistant
    • Content creator for IELTS Preparation Assistant
    • TOEFL CBT 273 (equivalent to 111-112 TOEFL iBT)

  • Paulina Teveriadska

    • Customer Support Manager
    • Social Media Administrator

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